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USED Wire Rack Decking
Factory Seconds Flammable Storage Cabinets 2 Gallon
New Equipment Specials - March
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 Tech Service Benches
Technical Service Centers, Workstations & Carts Call for Pricing
 Hanging Racks
Single Hanging Rack for Mufflers & Pipes $1,118.52
Double Hanging Rack for Small Parts, Belts, Hoses $1,416.84
 Large Item Racks
Sheet Metal Rack for Larger Packaged Items $1,045.17
Sheet Metal Rack for Hoods & Doors $710.57
 Moulding Racks
Moulding Storage Rack with 88 Compartments $2,026.67
Mini-Racking with Steel Decks, 36" x 72" w/4 Shelves $1,111.86 Starter
Mini-Racking with Steel Decks, 24" x 60" w/4 Shelves $454 Starter
 Record Storage Racks
Record Storage Rack - Double Deep: 69" wide x 30" deep x 8' high
 Rivet Style
Bulk Storage Rack: 96" wide x 24", 36" or 48" deep x 7' high
 Carousel Spool Racks
Vertical Carousel Storage for All Types of Spools Call for Pricing
 Carousel Tire Racks
Vertical Carousel Tire Storage Racks for 144 Tires Call for Pricing
 Carousel Tray Racks
Vertical Tray Carousel, Flexible Storage for Small Parts Call for Pricing
 Dock Plates
Aluminum Dockplate: 36" long x 48" wide, 3,650# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Aluminum Dockplate: 48" long x 48" wide, 2,750# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Aluminum Dockboard: 36" long x 60" wide, 10,000# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Aluminum Dockboard: 48" long x 60" wide, 10,000# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Aluminum Dockboard: 60" long x 60" wide, 10,000# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
 Hand Pallet Jacks
Pallet Jack: Narrow: 21" wide x 48" long, 5,500# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Pallet Jack: Standard: 27" wide x 48" long, 5,500# Cap.
 Drawers in Shelving
Drawers in Shelving: 36" x 24" x 87" high, 5 Drawers, 6 Shelves $1,588.91
Drawers in Shelving 36" x 24" x 87" high, 8 Drawers, 6 Shelves $2,301.73
Drawers in Shelving 36" x 24" x 87" high, 8 Drawers, 5 Shelves $2,160.21
Drawers in Shelving: 48" x 24" x 87" high, 5 Drawers, 6 Shelves $1,935.17
Drawers in Shelving 48" x 24" x 87" high, 8 Drawers, 6 Shelves $2,830.11
Drawers in Shelving 48" x 24" x 87" high, 8 Drawers, 5 Shelves $2,628.27
 HD Mobile Drawer Cabinets
R5BEE-3002 Mobile Drawer Cabinet 36" x 24" x 37.5" high with 6 Drawers $2,201.10
R5BEE-3004 Mobile Drawer Cabinet 36" x 24" x 37.5" high with 5 Drawers $2,031.16
R5BHE-3002 Mobile Drawer Cabinet 48" x 24" x 37.5" high with 6 Drawers $2,608.26
R5DHG-3810 Mobile Twin Drawer Cabinet 48" x 27" x 45.5" high with10 Drawers $3,451.29
 Heavy Duty Cabinets
R5AEE-5826 Modular Drawer Cabinet 36" x 24" x 60" high, 8 Drawers $2,202.26
R5AEE-5814 Modular Drawer Cabinet 36" x 24" x 60" high, 9 Drawers $2,375.68
R5AHE-5810 Modular Drawer Cabinet 48" x 24" x 60" high, 8 Drawers $2,761.96
R5AHE-5814 Modular Drawer Cabinet 48" x 24" x 60" high, 9 Drawers $2,978.88
Maintenance Master Drawer Cabinet 48" x 24" x 60" high with 10 Drawers $4,140.77
Maintenance Master Drawer Cabinet 36" x 24" x 60" high with 10 Drawers $3,394.31
 Standard Duty Cabinets
L3ABG-3448L3 Drawer Pedestal 18" x 27" x 34" high with 4 Drawers $932.06
L3ABG-2802L3 Drawer Pedestal 18" x 27" x 28" high with 4 Drawers $814.32
 Pallet Stretch Wrappers
Low-Profile Semi-Automatic Wrapper with Powered Pre-Stretch Call for Current Pricing
Low-Profile Semi-Automatic Pallet Stretch Wrapper Call for Current Pricing
Rotary Arm Semi-Automatic with Powered Pre-Stretch Call for Current Pricing
 Wire Decks
Wire Rack Decking: 36" deep x 46" wide, 2,500# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Wire Rack Decking: 42" deep x 46" wide, 2,500# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Wire Rack Decking: 48" deep x 46" wide, 2,500# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
 Low Slope Ladders
Walk Down Rolling Safety Ladder: 9 step, 90" high
Walk Down Rolling Safety Ladder, 7 Step, 70" high
 Rolling Safety Ladders
Rolling Stock Picking Ladder: 5 Step, 50" high
Rolling Stock Picking Ladder: 6 Step, 60" high
Rolling Stock Picking Ladder: 7 Step, 70" high
Rolling Stock Picking Ladder: 8 Step, 80" high
Rolling Stock Picking Ladder: 10 Step, 100" high
Rolling Stock Picking Ladder: 12 Step, 120" high
 Cylinder Storage Cage
Horizontal Propane Cylinder Storage Cage - 8 Cylinder Call for Current Pricing
Horizontal Propane Cylinder Storage Cage - 4 Cylinder Call for Current Pricing
Horizontal Propane Cylinder Storage Cage - 16 Cylinder Call for Current Pricing
Vertical Tank Cylinder Storage Cage - 9 Cylinder Call for Current Pricing
Vertical Tank Cylinder Storage Cage - 18 Cylinder Call for Current Pricing
 Economical Floor Scale
Pallet size Floor Scale, #5000 lb cap, 4'x4' platform Call for Current Pricing
 Weigh Bars
Weigh Bars: 5,000# Capacity/Pair & Stainless Indicator Call for Current Pricing
 Hand Trucks
Steel Hand Truck: Heavy Duty Shovel Nose, 900# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Steel Hand Truck: Industrial, Loop Handle, 800# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Aluminum Hand Truck: 8" MOR Wheels, 600# Capacity Call for Current Pricing
Appliance Truck: Steel Frame, 6" x 2" Wheels, 750# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
Aluminum Hand Truck: Convertible, 500#/1000# Cap. Call for Current Pricing
 Rolling Wire Carts
Chrome Wire Cart: 24" x 48" x 69" High with 4 shelves Call for Current Pricing
Wire Utility Cart: 18" x 36" with 2 Shelves (Other Sizes Priced) Call for Current Pricing
 Wire Shelving
Chrome Wire Shelving: 24" x 48" x 84" high with 4 Shelves Call for Current Pricing
 Ergonomic manual Hydraulic workbench
Call for Current Pricing
 Packing Bench
Packing Bench: 72" w x 30" d with Carton Storage Call for Current Pricing
1 Goldsmith St, Johnston, RI 02919, Phone: 800-711-8698, FAX: 888-711-8698
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